Here are a few Ideas I found online for simple wine displays that we can try to re-create or re-design.
This first one I like mainly because of the bright bold design on the side of the display that is eye catching. But the only downfall of this display is the metal rack which you would have to purchase to make work.
This display I like the most so far because we could use the Boxes and design the box to match each of the wines that we do. So 3 different boxes to match the bottles inside.
The 3rd one I found was a simple wooden rack that we can re-make pretty easy and make it so it would fit 3 bottles instead of 2 so we can have one of each kind we make. At the top we can have the t headed with graphics on it that pertains to the brand and we can use the side of the rack and do a smaller graphic to make it more eye catching.